Do you get tired easily in the morning before work? Have coffee beverages become a regular necessity for you to stay awake? If this describes you, it’s time to ditch the unhealthy quick fixes, and instead, focus on saving energy, thus extending your lifespan and overall productivity. Starting may be intimidating, but once you begin to reap the benefits of a happy, healthier, and more creative life, you will be inspired to continue building on top of all the incremental progress you achieve, step-by-step in your life’s journey.
Think of your energy like money in your bank account – it’s a scarce commodity, so you must learn to wisely maintain management of it, upon living responsibly.
Consider the following eight recommendations and tips to enhance your productivity and create a more positive, wealthier, and far more productive lifestyle:
1. Consume healthy foods
We all know that eating nutritious foods is important for good health, but most people associate healthy eating with losing weight. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a stable diet rich in fruits and vegetables, high protein, low-fat dairy, as well as whole grains is what you really want for higher intensity.
After all, you are, to some level, what you devour. Eat a variety of foods from all dietary groups to get a range of nutrients to keep you energized all through the day. From frozen fruits and vegetables, choose nutrient-dense dark leafy greens and broccoli, along with orange vegetables like spades and sweet potatoes. There are also many different varieties of fish and beans to choose from when it comes to healthy dietary protein. Aim for three ounces with whole cereals, wholewheat bread, rice, or pasta every day, without any yeast included in the ingredients.
2. Sleep for 7 to 8 hours each night
More sleep truly is a great habit, which many people could benefit from in greater quantities. What else is keeping us from obtaining at least seven hours of sleep every night? Think about how you might improve your key sleep disruptors, and keep the following in mind – sleep loss can worsen diabetic complications and affect your mood, productivity, and energy levels.
Prioritizing sleep is one of the most effective techniques to ensure a successful and energized day, which entrepreneurs should absolutely prioritize.
3. Change your appearance
The manner in which you present yourself has a huge impact, not only on the folks you meet, but also on your level of confidence. People may dress to blend in with their peer group and be cautious to explore new individual ideas. Think of Steve Jobs, who famously stuck with the black turtle neck and blue jeans every day, so he could be comfortable without deciding on what to wear in the morning, and instead focus on designing next-level products that would change the world, all in the process of leading Apple towards becoming the most valuable company in the world.
That worked for him, and you too can choose what works for you, by following your self-inspired desires when it comes to empowering your own style, fashion, and even beautification. You will exude the kind of confidence that will also inspire your peers to follow their individualistic self-care routines.
4. Surround yourself with individuals who are optimistic
Spend as much time as you can with people who make you happy. Connecting with people who are positive and have similar tastes, hobbies, and ideas will excite and energize you. People who you don’t get along with; who have a negative attitude, moan a lot, or make poor decisions, will drain your energy. Select your partners and colleagues with self-care in mind.
5. Avoid information overload
The news is an essential resource about current events throughout the world. It could be educational, entertaining, or even uplifting. Unfortunately, the news media produces content that is quite contrary to all that, as we are sadly constantly bombarded with scenes of sorrow. These stories have the potential to distort your view of the world, pushing you to focus on problems to can create unnecessary big fears, rather than you choosing to focus on the good that appears around you. Although you won’t be able to completely avoid these publications, try to minimize your focus on opinion news pieces as much as you practically can, particularly during challenging times. Objective news sources, particularly in the financial sector, is often your best bet at gaining receiving indicators about what will directly affect your life, from local and global markets.
6. Maintain a regular exercise routine
Do you find yourself drowsy in the middle of the day? Have any of you ever felt drained by mundane tasks, such as doing your own taxes or responding to emails? Contrary to common opinion, getting even 150 minutes of weekly activity, as recommended by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, can add to your energy account rather than deplete it. How? Exercise relieves tension and anxiety, strengthens muscles, and increases endurance, all of which assist our body’s ability to perform better throughout the day, while also improving your mental capacity with creativity stimulated by the endorphins you receive via working out, which is why many companies encourage or even pay their employees to exercise and reach a high level of fitness, to maintain peak performance in the workforce.
One way to keep yourself from being too sedentary at work is to get yourself a standing desk, which is what we have done for everyone working at Solespire. You can burn anywhere from 100 to 200 calories, just by standing for an hour.
7. Do something meaningful every day
What are you passionate about? Have you had a special talent that you would like to hone or share with others? Focusing mental energy on the things that are important to you, allows you the best chance to truly feel fulfilled in life.
As Steve Jobs said at Stanford University, during his commencement address in 2005:
“I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. This is true for work, as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work; and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
8. Plan and prioritize
Throughout the day, keep a count of when your concentration levels are at their peak. While you’re feeling enthusiastic and productive, consider how you will make the most of those moments, and prioritize your critical actions accordingly. If you really need it, set a timer or alarm on your smartphone or smartwatch when you need to take a break, but also have a notification set for when it’s time to go back to work. This will help you be accountable for using your time productively, all while keeping you on a stable path that maximizes your input and output for success.